Watch it, slow …

Youth baseball has ended in the Northwoods, at least for now. But before we pack the gloves and balls away in the sports tub for the year, I have a thought, and it has something to do with the pleasant month of August.

There’s a saying in baseball (at least they used in say it to me) that when you’re batting you’re supposed to “Watch the ball come in, slow.” So, you anticipate the pitch, and see it (laces and spin and all) as though it were in slow motion. It doesn’t make a world of sense, really. The ball moves just as fast as if you’re not really “seeing it,” but, somehow, getting your mind around the spinning pitch this way can turn a batter into a hitter.

August is a month of goodness. Still, it spins toward us just as fast as any other month—and maybe a little faster, what with everybody breathlessly trying to slip in an eleventh-hour vacation, while getting nervous already and trying not to think about everything rushing toward us in the fall. But, it’s a month with an opportunity.

It’s an opportunity to consider our God, the Father of all goodness. And, to “Watch it, slow” … 

How precious is your steadfast love, O God! The children of mankind take refuge in the shadow of your wings. 

They feast on the abundance of your house, and you give them drink from the river of your delights.

For with you is the fountain of life; in your light do we see light (Psalm 36.7-9, ESV).

Do we believe, in this month of goodness, that God is really the source of all goodness? If we do, and press ourselves to see the month of August in this light, I bet we’ll each take some time to ponder a bit—to sit in that lawn chair for an extra ten minutes, to putter in the garden an extra hour, and consciously give praise and thanks to our God of goodness.

We’ll take the time to “Watch it, slow”.

5 thoughts on “Watch it, slow …”

  1. Thanks for this post! I just read that chapter the other day, it’s filled with it SO much good, life-giving truth and promises!

  2. In all of the busyness I find myself, trying to pack, etc., God gave me a reason to slow down today. Two weeks ago I found a monarch caterpillar on one of my plants. I left it there and it disappeared. I thought something had eaten it. Today, a beautiful butterfly hatched on a different plant. Needless to say I was thrilled. My caterpillar did not die but changed into a butterfly. No matter how many times I have witnessed this, it never ceases to amaze me how wonderful God’s creation is. I had to slow down to really savor this wonderful example of God’s care for his creatures. So why worry? He has everything in His hands.

    1. That’s fantastic, Karen! And thank you for reminding me of my own prescription, even as we frantically can salsa, so as not to waste the abundance we’ve received. Does seem like we have to concentrate and really work for those insightful moments of reflection. Thanks for taking us there …(:

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